הוספת גולות דקורטיביות אל אגרטל, צנצנת, מסגרת, או מעורבים כלי התקשורת הפרויקט מביא קסם ייחודי כזה אביזר פשוט לעתים רחוקות מביא. אלה אבני חן שקוף לאפשר לאור לעבור לחלוטין - הוספת תאורה השתקפות מנצנץ לכל הגדרה השולחן או פרויקט עיצוב. בצורת סגלגל עם תחתית שטוחה, ונמכר בחמישה lb. כמויות. כל תיק יספק לך בערך 500-600 אבני חן בגודל של ¾ "(גודל של אגורה), הם אביזר המושך את העין, שייראה בדיוק כמו מפואר מפוזרים על פני מפת שולחן כפי שהם יפעלו כמו מילוי מבריק עבור זכוכית מכולות, אקווריומים, צנצנות מייסון, ציפורים. p>
קצת דמיון הולך דרך ארוכה עם גולות אלה דקורטיביים b> p>
מ נרות, אורות תה, וגינה צנצנות אוצרות, גבולות דקורטיביים עבור מסגרות, מראות, ואפילו לוחות זכוכית צבעונית.היתרון עוד להתעלם כי אבני חן וגולות כגון אלה מספקים מתנהג כמו מציל חיים מילולי דבורים כי הם רק מחפשים לשתות מים. לאורך תחתית האמבט / המזרקה וממלאים מעט מים מתחת לפני השטח הגבוהים של השיש, הדבורים גוועות בכל מקום - אין צורך להרגיז דברים עבור החברים המאביקים שלנו, מערבבים את אבני החן עם גולות ואבנים צבעוניות אחרות כדי ליצור בסיסים ותהליכים מלאי חיים. p>
כביסה עדינה מומלץ להשתמש מחדש b> p>
אנו ממליצים לשטוף גולות אלה לפני השימוש כדי להסיר אבק, לכלוך או שאריות אחרות שנאספו במהלך ההובלה. עם טיפול נאות, גולות אלה צריך להימשך לכל החיים. אתה לא צריך להיות סופר ערמומי להעריך את התועלת ואת הערך DIY של אבני חן אלה יפה. השתמש בהם שוב ושוב עבור עיטורים המושכים את העין על מדפי ספרים, בטריאריות ובמטעים, או להציב בתוך אגרטלים המשמשים במרכז השולחן או באירוע חברתי. P>
הערה: האגרטל אינו כלול. b> p>
תרגום אוטומטי
עבור למקור
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished translucent glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events. A 5 lb bag typically contains between 500 600 marbles.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each marbled glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a dime. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
QUALITY WEIGHTED BASE OPTION Attractive looking, sized right for filling various containers, and shipped in manufacturing quality. These gems are especially great for top heavy vases, where you do not want too much added color to distract from the flowers nor interferes with theplacement of the stems. A very attractive and cost effective decorative accessory.
ILLUMINATES WHEN EXPOSED TO LIGHT With proper care, these gems will last an entire lifetime. The translucency of each gem allows any light source to shine through, creating beautiful illumination you will love gazing upon. Scatter a layer onto the base of a birdbath to let birds and bees take sips of water without risking drowning.
A DECORATIVE MARVEL IN MARBLES These ornamental marbles are just the embellishment you need. Use them for your DIY projects such as filling your flower vase, fish tank, or votive candle holders. Purpose them for wedding favors, birdbaths, magnets
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished blue glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events. A 5 lb bag typically contains between 500 600 marbles.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each blue glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a dime. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
QUALITY WEIGHTED BASE OPTION Attractive looking, sized right for filling various containers, and shipped in manufacturing quality. These gems are especially great for top heavy vases, where you do not want too much added color to distract from the flowers nor interfere with the placement of the stems. A very attractive and cost effective decorative accessory.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each marbled glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a nickel. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished black glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events. A 5 lb bag typically contains between 400 500 marbles.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each black glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a nickel. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished blue glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events. A 5 lb bag typically contains between 400 500 marbles.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each blue glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a nickel. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished translucent glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events. A 5 lb bag typically contains between 400 500 marbles.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each marbled glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a dime. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers
AVAILABLE IN 5 LB BAGS Non polished glass marbles flat bottom with a rounded top. Oval and circular in shape. Commonly used to fill vases and mason jars as decorations placed at the bottom of aquariums and birdbaths for creating magnets and other DIY crafts and jewelry as well as quick party favors at weddings and other formal non formal events.
CHEAPER THAN HOBBY STONES Though these gems produce no residue, washing them before use will remove any dust or grime collected onto the glass during shipment to get the more sparkle and shine. Each glass gem is approximately in size roughly the size of a nickel. Marbles act as wonderful weighted filler for stabilizing and supporting cut flowers